The TMP Podcast

Compelled To Go | Doug Heidebrecht | To the Ends of the Earth pt. 3

The Meeting Place Church

Paul feels compelled by the Holy Spirit to go to Jerusalem (v22). He does not know fully what will happen to him, but he knows there is “prison and hardships” ahead (v23). Paul takes some time in his hurried journey to Jerusalem to give a farewell speech to the Ephesian elders. It is not only a fitting goodbye to this group of friends, it is also an appropriate conclusion to his missionary journeys. His speech to the Ephesian elders is full of humility and humanity, tears and trials, service and suffering. Paul’s farewell speech captures what it means to be sent out by Jesus to the ends of the earth and serve in ministry. Paul will leave the docks of Miletus and set sail towards Jerusalem, where the prophet Agabus will share a word about his future imprisonment. Still, Paul feels compelled by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. The Apostle Paul was near the end, with a lot of adventure and accomplishment behind him. But instead of sitting back, he set sail. And, in doing so, he set an example for all of us. In the life of Paul we discover that the Holy Spirit is always leading us on and compelling us to go. For each and every one of us, the Christian life is apostolic, which means to be sent. God is sending us to reach others with the Gospel, sometimes at great distances geographically or emotionally. What might it mean for you and I to be sent by the Holy Spirit today? What might it mean for the church to be compelled to go —even if there is hardship ahead?