The TMP Podcast

Good Trouble and the Prison Break | Bob Marsch | To the Ends of the Earth pt. 3

The Meeting Place Church

Paul and Silas encounter a slave girl who is inflicted by a spirit. (16:16–18). She goes around the village yelling, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.”(v18) You’d think that this would be great publicity for Paul & Silas? Perhaps they could have utilized this slave girl who was announcing the truth about them? Instead, Paul gets into some “good trouble” and rebukes the spirit from this slave girl. This has economic repercussions for the business that has been built around this slave girl’s fortune telling. The slave girl’s owners confront Paul and Silas and drag them before the local political authorities (16:19–21). The local authorities order the beating and imprisonment of Paul and Silas (16:22–24). Paul & Silas suffer for their act of good trouble. When Paul and Silas are afforded the opportunity to escape in the night, they instead get up to more good trouble by stopping the jailer (16:25–28 from self-harm. The jailer, with trembling gratitude, receives the good news of salvation from Paul and Silas (16:29–34). In the morning Paul and Silas confront the officers and magistrates with news that alarms them (16:35–38); the officials attempt to appease Paul and Silas and escort them out of the prison, requesting them to leave the city (v. 39). This whole story is a series of events in which Paul & Silas choose to disrupt the powers by trusting God to “shake the prison’s foundations”(v26). Exploitation is shaken. The wrongful sentence to prison is shaken. The so-called wisdom of the officials is shaken. As we consider our own call to follow to Jesus, are we willing to get into some good trouble? Are we willing to suffer for the good? Are we willing to confront the powers that seek to keep people in bondage?